How to Print Documents on Several Printers at the Same Time?

Let's say you need to print your documents on two printers: a jet printer connected to your computer, and a network-shared laser printer that all the office employees use. Plus, apart from printing the documents, you need to convert them to PDF.

You can do everything manually: print your documents on the jet printer first and then do the same with the network printer. Then convert the documents to PDF with Universal Document Converter - a virtual printer. But why not automate all three tasks and save a tremendous amount of time?

Here is the solution:

  1. Download and install 2Printer command line tool
  2. Create a batch-file named "doc2printers.bat" with the following contents:
    2Printer.exe -s %1 -prn "Canon MP610 series Printer"
    2Printer.exe -s %1 -prn "\\server\HP Officejet Pro"
    2Printer.exe -s %1 -prn "Universal Document Converter"
  3. Now you can call the first batch file to print the list of documents from another batch file:
    call doc2printers.bat "c:\Invoices\invoice-001.pdf"
    call doc2printers.bat "c:\Documents\article.doc"
    call doc2printers.bat "c:\Documents\specification.txt"

Also you can use this algorithm from VB script, CMD file, etc.