Pre-print Operations

Print Conductor offers built-in operations that can be optionally added before the document printing process. These operations will apply to all items added to the List of Documents. 

Pre-print operations in Print Conductor

Insert empty pages

The Insert empty pages operation lets you add blank pages within a document. Specify the page number after which you want to insert the blank pages (After page) and the number of pages you want to add (Number of pages). For instance, to insert two blank pages after page one, use the following configuration:

Insert 2 empty pages after page 1

Did you know that besides inserting, you can also automatically remove blank pages if they're not needed? Make use of the Disable printing blank pages feature.

Auto crop

The Auto crop operation automatically trims blank (white) margins from document pages or images. A high Tolerance value enables less strict definition of white. Experiment with this setting to achieve optimal results.

Besides, the Apply to a page range option allows you to apply the operation to specific pages or page ranges exclusively.

Auto crop files before batch printing

Crop margins

The Crop margins operation allows for image/page cropping based on customizable margins. You must manually input the indents (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) for the program to crop your files.

In addition, you can define a Page range to apply this operation to specific pages or page ranges. Input page numbers and/or ranges next to Apply to a page range, separated by commas. For example: 1,3,5-10.

 Batch crop files using "Crop margins" operation before printing

Crop rectangle

The Crop rectangle operation trims the image or page within a customizable rectangle's boundaries. You can adjust the rectangle's width (Width), height (Height), and indents from the left side (Left) and top (Top) of the page or image.

Additionally, you can specify the Page range to apply this operation to select pages or page ranges. For example: 1,3,5-10

Batch crop documents before printing using "Crop rectangle" operation

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